August 14, 2024


And just like that it is already August. It feels like summer just started and now you can already smell autumn in the air. There is nothing like Finnish summer, but damn I really wish it would last even a month longer. Also, it feels so strange not to be back to school. Usually, at this time we're starting to plan which student event we should attend to kick start a new semester, haha. I'm still not used to this freedom... or the prices without student discounts, those I miss the most ;)

August has been a month of change. It started by moving into a new downtown apartment and leaving behind the suburbs, which I'm only excited about. The suburbs never felt like my kind of place to live and to be honest living among families just gave me anxiety. But living right in the city centre gives me the freedom to do whatever whenever I want and everything is easily accessible with a bike (I hate walking to places xD). It feels like I got my life back and I get to be independent once again!

I'd hate to jinx it, but looks like my trip to Spain is really happening. A flight to Barcelona is already booked and a friend of mine is waiting for me there (in Tarragona to be precise). I haven't seen her since June so I can't wait to get there in September! I'm sure we'll have the best time there! I haven't been on a girl's abroad trip in a long time so I'm sooo excited!🩷

Ps. The last year in my 20s has begun! Let's see what I come up with my 30th birthday ;)

Have a lovely week! xo
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