Huh nyt saan ehkä vähän hengähtää, kun pääsykoe on vihdoin takanapäin. Stressasin sitä tämän koko alkuviikon, eikä mielessä pyörinyt mikään muu kuin siihen valmistautuminen. Onneksi kuitenkin mun viime viikonloppu oli sen verran kiva, että sain ajatukset edes hetkeksi muualle. Päästiin nimittäin tänä vuonna kerrankin ajoissa mökkeilemään ja vietettiin siellä tällä kertaa kaksi yötä. Lähdettiin toki ajamaan vasta myöhään perjantai-iltana, mutta ei se haitannut, sillä meillä oli koko lauantai päivä aikaa nauttia kesän ensimmäisestä mökkiviikonlopusta. Ohjelmaan kuului juuri niitä asioita joita kerkisin jo ikävöidä pitkän talven aikana, kuten pihapelien pelaamista, auringonlaskuja laiturilta, rantasaunassa kylpemistä, paljussa lillumista, korttipelejä illan pikkutunteina ja unohtamatta herkullista grilliruokaa. Ai että mieli tekee päästä jo takaisin mökkeilyn tunnelmaan. Toivottavasti tänä kesänä saadaan vielä uusi tilaisuus siihen. ♡
Phew now I can finally relax since my entrance exams are now over. I've stressed about it for the past three days and couldn't think about anything else than getting ready for it. Luckily I had the most lovely weekend where I could just relax and ease my mind. Finally we had the chance to start summer cottage season early for this summer so we spent two nights there by the lake in the most spectacular views. We went there later on Friday evening but it didn't matter because we had whole Saturday for doing what ever we wanted. We did all the things that I had already missed during long Finnish winter such as playing yard games, watching sunset at the pier, washing up in lake sauna, relaxing in a hot tub, playing late night card games and eating delicious barbecue food. Oh how I already want to go back there. Hopefully we get another opportunity to go there during this summer. ♡
Phew now I can finally relax since my entrance exams are now over. I've stressed about it for the past three days and couldn't think about anything else than getting ready for it. Luckily I had the most lovely weekend where I could just relax and ease my mind. Finally we had the chance to start summer cottage season early for this summer so we spent two nights there by the lake in the most spectacular views. We went there later on Friday evening but it didn't matter because we had whole Saturday for doing what ever we wanted. We did all the things that I had already missed during long Finnish winter such as playing yard games, watching sunset at the pier, washing up in lake sauna, relaxing in a hot tub, playing late night card games and eating delicious barbecue food. Oh how I already want to go back there. Hopefully we get another opportunity to go there during this summer. ♡
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