November 17, 2022


August - October
Through phone autumn-026It is always a delight to visit Onkomo! This time we watched a football game first before heading there. I also got a bucket of blackcurrants which I made into a jam. Yummy!
Through phone autumn-010After our Norway holiday I got my energy back and started to decorate our home.  
Through phone autumn-005School started not long after we came back to Finland, but luckily we had such fun courses (such as learning to fly a drone) so I didn't even mind. 
Through phone autumn-023We had our first housewarming party! I really love hosting parties and that time I baked a blackcurrant chocolate cake which was sooo delicious. 
Through phone autumn-004Movie night! It must have been years since the last time I saw a movie in theatres.  
Through phone autumn-022Celebrated our fifth anniversary! First we had a three-course dinner in a restaurant and then went back home with a selection of cheeses, crackers, jams and a bottle of wine. Watching The Last Kingdom had never been more perfect tbh!
Through phone autumn-002Second housewarming party but this time I hosted it alone for my friends. 
Through phone autumn-003I don't really like going partying anymore since my hangovers last pretty much a week. So I don't see drinking till drunk worth it and also my stomach can't handle a lot of alcohol (I have IBS). And yes you can also go to a bar without drinking alcohol but I can't bare it for more than a few hours because drunk people are the worst... Luckily that night I only drank one cider because...
Through phone autumn...on the same night my boyfriend did a positive covid test and a few days later my symptoms started as well. 
Through phone autumn-025The good side of being sick is that I finally had time to play my "new" game which I bought already this spring.  
Through phone autumn-001This year's autumn has been so beautiful! I'm so glad that I had the chance to capture it in many pictures.
Through phone autumn-020Banana cake is the best treat to make when your bananas are starting to get bad. So good and easy to make! I use Kinuskissa recipe.
Through phone autumn-008Autumn in Onkamo! I wonder if that was the last time I swam in there during this year.  
Through phone autumn-009We had the cutest weekend visitor! <3 
Through phone autumn-021Such a magical moment! My favourite season and time of the day <3 

Sushi date night.  
Through phone autumn-012Shopping and coffee time with a friend. It has been a while since the last time I was shopping in actual stores and I was shocked at how much everything costs these days... That gorgeous brown coat was just perfect but 70 euros so there is no way I would pay that much for it... and I'm glad I didn't because a few days later I found the exact coat on sale and ordered it. 
Through phone autumn-024
Finally, my second favourite holiday Halloween came! This year's costumes were Chrissy Cunningham and Eddie Munson. Now that Halloween is over I can start hyping about my favourite holiday Christmas! Yay! :D