Today was the first school day for six months! I felt little weird to be back there studying. Luckily class began at noon, so I had time to sleep longer. I had been only over hour at school and teacher already let us to go home. So why really we had to even bother to go there.... Anyway after school, somehow as usually, I found me and my friend at city again shopping and eating...
Ihan aluksi käytiin kaverilla nopeesti viemässä kamat sinne ja räpsittiin siinä samalla muutamat kuvat parvekkeella ja muuten vaan ihailtiin maisemii. Sekä pelättiin ku oltiin nii korkeella... :D
At first we went to my friends place to leave our stuff there and we also took couple pictures at balcony and just enjoyed sightseeing.
Seuraavaks suunnattiin Houkutukseen syömään. En ollu muuten ennemmin käyny tuolla paikassa ja voin jo sanoo että tuosta tais tulla mun uus kantapaikka! Ruokatarjonta siellä oli taivaallinen ja muutenkin kahvila oli tosi kotoisa ja tunnelmallinen.
Ruokatankkauksen jälkeen suunnattiin tarkoituksena vaan katselemaan vaatteita. Mä kumminkin sorruin noihin kenkiin ihan täysin, joten pakkohan ne oli ostaa! Ne oli vielä - 70 % joten hinnaksi niille jäi vain 21 €. Muutenkin oon just etsinyt itselleni mustia nahka nilkkureita, joten nuo kengät tuli todellakin tarpeeseen :)
Next we went to eat something at Houkutus. I've never been there before, but I can honestly say that place came my new favorite cafe place! Food was just fantastic and the place was very cozy.
After eating we went to mall. Our purpose was just to look clothes and other stuffs. Well that didn't happened... I totally fell in love with with those shoes and I had to bought them! The shoes were - 70 % so total price was 21 €. Anyway I've been looking for black leather boots, so not bad purchase at all. :)