Mutta jooo oon tässä taas vaihteeks shoppaillu ja käyny läskeilemässä Coffee Housessa jne. Tällä kertaa en tuhlaillu luottokorttiini ostarilla vaan kirpparilla! Tässä on muutamia löytöjäni :)
Hello again! I've been thinking that I gonna update my blog one time a week, coz I'm very lazy to take pictures. Not that way as I do not have inspiration, I have this huge list what I'm gonna do! And otherwise I feel like I'm really busy.. but in reality I'm just addicted to Bubble Witch Saga...
But yeah I've been again shopping and eating to Coffee House etc. This time I didn't waste my credit card at the mall, but I was a flea market! Here are a few treasures what I found :)
Mukaan lähti tämmöinen yli ihana laukku! Hintaa oli vain 4€ Over cute purse! Only 4€ |
Toi punanen rusetti tuli myös ostettuun. Hintaa oli jotain 3€ Belt 3€ |
Ja toi upee New York muki. Hinta oli 1€ Gorgeus New York mug. Price 1€ |
Viimeiseksi tämä niiiiin mulle tarkoitettu "fashion addict" paita. Hinta tais olla 2€ And for the last "fashion addict" t-shirt! This is so me! price 2€ |
This week I've been eating alot! On Monday I was in Hesburger, on Tuesday in Silect, on Wednesday in Coffee House and Friday again in Coffee House... But that's ok anyway I'm fattening diets. I'm trying to get more pounds before I go to Thailand. Yeah I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. So I'm going on November in Thailand and we are going to be there for month.. but I'm not giving more information coz there will be soon an entire blogging about my trip. Here are couple pictures at Coffee House :)